1. トップページ
  2. 漢字たまご 中級

漢字たまご 中級

漢字たまご 中級1
発刊日 2024年3月
出版社 凡人社
定価 2,200円 (本体 2,000 円)

1.「漢字たまご」とは/What is “Kanji Tamago”

  • 漢字たまごは、漢字を学習する「学習者の成長」を表しています。
  • 漢字たまごとは
  • Kanji Tamago or Egg signifies the growth of learners. First, learners learn fundamental rules of Kanji and elementary characters by heart. Then based on the acquired knowledge learners will actively learn characters of their own interest or specialty. And finally they explore the ability and knowledge of Kanji in actual social life. Such process looks similar to the growth of eggs, doesn’t it?
  • 漢字たまごとは

2.『漢字たまご中級』について/Composition and Application of these

『漢字たまご 中級1』『漢字たまご 中級2』では、あわせて20の場面・トピックに必要な漢字を学習します。 ※中級2は未刊

How learners become able to acquire the ability to use Kanji? The authors pondered this question and the idea of this textbook formed in their mind. In “Kanji Tamago Intermediate 1” and “Kanji Tamago Intermediate 2,” learners will acquire the kanji required for a total of 20 situations/topics. *Intermediate 2 is not published yet. This book also introduces various ideas for Kanji learning in order that you can select the method which suits you best. In each section you will get hands-on practice in conditions close to actual communication situations and that will help you develop abilities to obtain necessary information through reading and to write characters. Thus you will grasp “what characters are needed in daily lives” and “what you can do by using characters.” This textbook is based on DEKIRU NIHONGO. Together with Kanji Tamago Intermediate Level it covers the characters required for B1.


3.音声ファイル/Download audio files (MP3)


4.音声ストリーミング再生/Streaming audio for free


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